A Character Trait You Need That Most Gurus And Famous People Don't Talk About

After dealing with so much crap from Supervisors and Managers and Co-workers and my Ex, I've come to realize, that the bullshit just ain't gonna stop. It's part of Life. There is always going to be stupidity you'll have deal with. There's always going to be someone else's issues you're going to have deal with. People are going to create drama. People are going to make your job more difficult than it needs to be. People are not going to do their job properly or follow-through on agreements, etc. It's gonna happen and, it's going to keep happening for as long as you live.

Don't get used to it, but be aware of it.

Don't be a pushover. Demand Excellence.

Be assertive. Ask people to do their job (if they're not doing it).

Use tact. Ask them for help. Show them a list of what needs to be done and why. Teach the bums something to improve their knowledge or self-esteem. Be the first to offer help, and don't feel bad when you have to get them to reciprocate the favor/help when you need it.

As you can see, this is also a challenge, but it will help you learn to deal with slackers and teach you to be a more effective leader. If you can motivate these rascals, you can probably motivate anybody.

You're not helping yourself, your company, or your team, by ignoring lazy people.

You're not helping them by teaching them or allowing them to be slack and put out half-ass work.

Be assertive and ask for what you want and need. Don't allow your life to be in turmoil just because other people won't do their job.

Look for other options to get what you want. Don't settle for a single resource and have to put your ideas or plans or goals on hold because some lazy-ass jerk won't do his or her job.

People will lie on you - intentionally or un-intentionally. Speak up for yourself and set people straight. If you have to, plan and prepare what you're going to say before you approach the person. If it's not important, let it go and let the facts or your actions and words speak for themselves.

But, sometimes, you have to address the BS, so that people know not to falsely accuse you (or lie on you) again.

All of these things are Challenges.

Look at it from a different perspective: All of these challenges are put in front of you in order to force you to step up your game and shine. Successful people welcome these challenges because it keeps them on their toes and allows them to justify kickin' the crap out of BS for any reason at all.

The "below average" person is going to crumble under the pressure and madness. They can't run with the big dogs because they have a low energy level. They don't want to work and will only do just enough to get by.

I'm sure you see people like this at work all the time. These are folks who will never reach the top of anything unless a miracle happens.

Sure, they'll get special favors, undue recognition, and unfair promotions, but that is because they know how to get ignore the bullshit, avoid it, and/or get around it.

You could get just as far or even further if you would only accept the positions or apply for them like they do.

So, don't run from the drama. Strive for Greatness. Welcome the Challenge. Show the World what you're made of and get your shine on.

You can handle the BS whether it's at the Top or the Bottom. It's really up to you. How much do you believe in yourself? And, how bad do you want to succeed for you and your family?

Other people, no smarter than you, have made it to The Promised Land. You can step up your game and do the same. 

Don't say "No" until you try.


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